Descargar Sufism and Surrealism (Saqi Essentials) de Adonis PDF ePub
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Sufism and Surrealism (Saqi Essentials) de Adonis
Descripción - Críticas 'Adonis is one of the most important major literary figures of our century. His vision is extraordinary. His poetry sublime ... a master of our times.' V. S. Naipaul; '...the most eloquent spokesman and explorer of Arab modernity'. Edward Said; 'The Arab world's greatest living poet.' New York Times; 'Adonis is undoubtedly one of the leading Arab poets of this century ... [he] asserts the importance of the unconscious, of turning individual perception into language' TLS At first glance Sufism and Surrealism appear to be as far removed from one another as is possible. Adonis, however, draws convincing parallels between the two, contesting that God, in the traditional sense does not exist in Surrealism or in Sufism, and that both are engaged in parallel quests for the nature of the Absolute, through 'holy madness' and the deregulation of the senses.This is a remarkable investigation into the common threads of thought that run through seemingly polarised philosophies from East and West, written by a man Edward Said referred to as 'the most eloquent spokesman and explorer of Arab modernity'. Biografía del autor Adonis is one of the most celebrated poets and essayists of the Arab world. Born in Syria in 1930, he fled political persecution and settled in Lebanon in the 1950s, where he led the modernist movement in Arabic poetry. He has written more than thirty books in Arabic, including the pioneering work An Introduction to Arab Poetics (also by Saqi Books), and was awarded the Goethe Prize in 2011 for his contribution to international literature. His other awards include the Spiros Vergos Prize for Freedom of Expression, the Bjornson Prize, the International Nazim Hikmet Poetry Award and the Syria-Lebanon Best Poet Award. He lives in Paris.
Detalles del Libro
Autor: Adonis
Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Humanidades
Tapa blanda: 248 páginas
Editor: Saqi Books; Edición: New ed (8 de febrero de 2016)
Colección: Saqi Essentials
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 863561896
ISBN-13: 978-0863561894
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